Navigating Activities

Lessons (Lesson names correspond to the book referenced therein) contain Activities such as Vocabulary, Spelling etc. Once inside a Lesson you will see the list of available Activities.

Click on an activity to start it, we recommend doing them in the sequence shown as the content is progressive however you can do them in whichever sequence you prefer. Once inside an activity the screen changes to the below image. To start the interactive component simply click on the round play button. You can also minimise the menu on the left hand side by clicking on the blue “<” icon on the top left. When accessing the site through a tablet this menu will automatically minimise to the left.

Once all the interactions in the activity have been completed a small Tippie will run across the bottom of the screen from left to right. To progress to the next activity or next page within the activity (if there is one) simply click on the Tippie. Please note, the first time an activity is completed you have to click on the Tippie to have the activity marked as completed.